Featured Contributor: @kanecandrade

February 08, 2018 1 min read

person with faux fur throw overlooking desert

Kane C. Andrade is an adventure seeker from the Bay Area. Follow Kane's adventures on Instagram @kanecandrade

person sitting on cliff on spirithood faux fur throw overlooking scenery

person wrapped in spirithood faux fur throw walking down the road

person wearing spirithoods faux fur throw standing on cliff in distance

up close image of person walking with spirthoods faux fur throw wrapped around them overlooking cliffs

person wearing faux fur jacket

person wearing faux fur throw over them standing in desert sand dunes



SpiritHoods core values of protecting endangered animals and using fake fur is the main reason why I love this brand. I wear my fur coat with pride knowing that SpiritHoods is fighting for change and taking a stand for a better world. 

Grab your own faux fur throw today! 

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