Free Returns & Exchanges
Free Returns & Exchanges
April 22, 2020 1 min read
Photo courtesy @jarradseng
It's the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! Below are 5 easy ways you can make a difference:
Plants provide both food and oxygen for us. These wonderful beings clean the air, help save energy, and help combat climate change—so let's help make more of them! :)
Don't have any pots? Repurpose everyday packaging / containers. They make for great pots!
Quit treating things that are reusable as if they're disposable. This simple act can help conserve natural resources and precious landfill space.
TIPS FOR THE PACK: Splurge on a little snack with the money you saved reusing things! *yum
These longer lasting bulbs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Flipping the light switch off when you leave a room definitely won't hurt either! ;)
Plus, you'll save some $$ on your energy bill!
The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater end up in the ocean. Avoid adding chemicals to our waterways by using non-toxic chemicals in the home and office whenever possible.
That's right! You can hang dry more than just your faux fur and save TONS of energy along the way! Turns out washing and drying your clothes can take upwards of 5-10% your household energy use. That's WILD!! Save the earth AND save money by hang drying those clothes.