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February 01, 2022 15 min read
We can make a greater difference by taking warning signs more seriously and standing up for these endangered creatures. We've put together this helpful guide to bring more awareness to the issues at hand and how we can all find ways to help save the animals before it’s too late.
3 Levels of Concern for Animal Loss
Who Classifies Endangered Animals and Plants?
What is a Recovery Plan?
When is a Species Officially Considered an Endangered Animal?
10 Most Endangered Animals in 2021
22 Animals Recognized as Extinct in 2021
7 Facts Everyone Should Know About Endangered Animals
Astonishing Endangered Animal Stats From 2021
Saving Animals Through the Endangered Species Act of 1973
Addressing Biodiversity, Climate Change, and More
Significant Impacts on Endangered Animals and Their Extinction
Additional Tips for Saving Animals
SpiritHoods and Our Love for All Animals
SpiritHoods’ Mission to Save Endangered Animals
Saving Endangered Animals Together
Here in the United States, the loss of a species is grouped into three distinct levels of concern. These three groups were created from the 1973 Endangered Species Act.
The 3 levels of concern for animal species loss include:
When an animal species finds itself threatened, it is a warning sign of a problem that is putting its survival rate at risk. Scientists evaluate these warning signs and decide a species’ level of survival risk.
Scientists evaluate the number of species members in each habitat and compare them over a period. Then, they focus their studies on what the species needs to live and survive.
Considerations for survival include:
Scientists monitor and compare these factors over time, looking for drastic changes or immediate causes for concern. These factors help determine if a species has trouble thriving or may soon.
Factors they monitor closely include:
The endangered animal label is assigned if too many species members die, leaving their numbers significantly low or if their living conditions make it challenging to survive over a projected period.
A species may be placed on the endangered animal list in a particular area if its numbers drop within just one region. These animals are considered endangered if there is a possibility of them becoming extinct, requiring immediate intervention and protection.
When a species is listed, animals and plants are protected by law or groups that require their preservation. While this may sound like a worthy goal, it only represents the status of endangered animals that are already known. Unfortunately, many plants and animal species may be endangered, yet they’re not on the list because they have not been identified yet.
While it is estimated there may be upwards of 3 million to 100 million endangered animals, and plants, only about 1.7 million species in the world had been identified by 2017.
Factors contributing to the endangerment of animals include:
There is no reversal for extinction. Once an endangered animal is extinct, we have lost it forever. It’s a frightening but all too real reality for many.
Since the 1600s, over 700 KNOWN species have gone extinct. Let’s break that down and look at some shocking stats. In one month, it’s estimated anywhere from 30 to 1,400 species are lost. So in just one day, at least one plant or animal species is gone.
Extinction happens for many reasons. For example, an endangered animal may succumb to extinction due to changes in our planet caused by nature or the actions of humans.
For instance, a natural event, like an erupting volcano, can wipe out an entire species.
Extinction can also happen gradually, as changes in nature present new challenges for the species. This can be a freeze or an irreversible drought.
Our planet has experienced at least five significant extinction periods. These periods have taken out up to 95% of all living species. These five extinctions included massive volcanic eruptions, devastating meteor strikes, and rapid climate changes.
Many species are endangered or threatened today, not for natural reasons, but because people have changed the habitats upon which these species depend.
In the United States, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is responsible for deciding which species are classified as threatened or endangered. A review process is implemented through their listing program when an individual sends in a petition to the FWS. These petitions ask the FWS to investigate if the petitioned species shows reasons for being placed on the threatened or endangered list. They will also evaluate if the species is already on the brink of extinction.
Around the world, some organizations also work to classify species as threatened, endangered, and extinct. One of the most essential organizations is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). You can visit their website to learn more and review their Red List of Threatened Species.
If a species is identified as threatened or endangered, a plan must be put in place to help restore things to normal or as close to normal as possible. These well-thought-out plans are known as recovery plans. Recovery plans are designed to prevent endangered animals and plants from extinction. The recovery plans attempt to save the animals and plants by making the species more stable, boosting their numbers, and attempting to resolve any and all issues that have put the species on the list, to begin with.
Several actions can be taken to help save the animals. Some of the most common steps taken include:
Unfortunately, recovery plans are not 100% successful. However, there are several instances where these recovery plans have been highly effective in the grand scheme of things.
Some endangered animals have been successfully removed from the threatened or endangered species lists. This happens when a significant number of members from the species can thrive on their own, and numbers begin to stabilize or even grow.
The National Wildlife Federation is an extraordinary organization with amazing success stories for saving animals. They have saved animals around the United States, bringing them back from near extinction.
More than one million species of animals and plants are now at risk of extinction. This astonishing fact means that endangered animals are becoming extinct over 1000 times faster than initially predicted. Scientists think there is a natural rate at which species come and go. So if extinction is a natural process, what's the problem? These days, species are going extinct faster than expected.
And in many cases, scientists think they are dying off because of human actions. However, before a species becomes extinct, there are usually warning signs. If we watch for the warning signs, there is the possibility of preventing plants and animals from going away forever.
A species whose population has declined between 50% and 75% or less than 250 mature individuals are classified as an endangered animal or plant. While there are many facts to be aware of, we thought we'd start with 7 of the most crucial facts on endangered animals and those near extinction.
The Endangered Animals List of 2021 has noted the following as the top 10 most endangered:
There are 22 animals in the U.S. alone that were declared extinct in 2021. But, if you'll recall, they can be unseen for years before an official extinct classification.
The 22 animals recognized as extinct in 2021 include:
While we encourage you to find everything you can on endangered animals, there are seven specific facts we feel everyone should know.
7 endangered animal facts to be aware of include:
1. An endangered animal or one threatened by extinction is classified as such when it meets the following criteria:2. Extinction of an endangered animal is declared after years of searching without sightings. Unfortunately, because it takes such a long time to declare an entire species extinct, many species have probably been extinct for quite some time.
3. Rangers are part of the frontlines of saving animals, protecting many of our most endangered animals worldwide, including elephants, tigers, and rhinos.
4. Unfortunately, extinction is a natural phenomenon, occurring at a rate of approximately 1 to 5 species every year. Scientists now estimate we are losing species at 1,000 to 10,000 times the background rate. This equates to dozens of endangered animals possibly going extinct daily.
5. Without increasing our efforts to save our friends on the endangered animals list, as many as 30% to 50% will be doomed for extinction by mid-century.
6. 99% of the animals currently on the endangered animals list are at risk from our human activities. These activities are include causing habitat loss, global warming, and introducing exotic species.
7. The World Wildlife Organization focuses on saving certain endangered animals and plants that help sustain other species.
The Organization strives to save animals, including:
If you're still needing a push to help efforts to save the animals, take a look through some of these heartbreaking stats from 2021 alone:
The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) protects registered endangered animals and plants by removing them from the "take" list. This list helps save the endangered animals by making it unlawful for anyone to take actions towards the animals that include:
Ultimately, the ESA strives to save animals from the endangered list by helping restore their ecological health until they no longer require intervention and protection.
So, how can you help save the animals and make a difference? There are a few ways you can start making a conscious effort to save the animals today. You can start by eating less meat, reducing your carbon footprint, advocating for change, and supporting conservation organizations through donations.
Another way you can help save animals is by educating yourself. Whether you’re new to the cause or not, keeping yourself and others informed is always beneficial in our fight to save animals and prevent further extinction. So let's take a look at some terms you should be familiar with and how staying in the know can help make a significant change in the fight to save animals.
Biodiversity can be most simply explained as the variety of living beings on our planet. This includes all forms of life and all of their interactions. It is regarded as one of the most vital aspects of our future existence.
Biodiversity hotspots are regions with vast numbers of species that do not live in any other areas in the world. Unfortunately, these hotspots include areas where the destruction of habitats has occurred at astonishing rates.
There are many agencies and organizations that focus on saving animals and the hotspots. However, biodiversity hotspots make up less than 2% of Earth.
Biodiversity coldspots make up just over 98% of the planet. These coldspots are made up of less species diversity yet require attention and help as much as areas with biodiversity hotspots.
Some biodiversity coldspots are the home of extremely rare plants and animals. It is vital we work to protect coldspot areas before too much destruction prevents us from saving them in time.
Animals and plants have many interdependent links with one another. Let’s take hippos and birds, for example. Many bird species highly value hippos for their ability to feed off insects that grow on their skin and hairs. Therefore, if hippopotamuses were to become extinct, the birds that would feed on them would become subject to extinction too. This interdependent cause and effect are referred to as a Chain of Extinction, or Domino Effect.
A keystone species is an animal or plant that plays a vital role in how its ecosystem functions and its ability to function well. A keystone species is crucial for the proper functioning of an ecosystem.
Without the keystone species, the ecosystem would be extremely different or perish. Keystone species have a significant influence on their ecosystem. Their extinction would trigger a domino effect, causing other species within their ecosystem to succumb to extinction.
We rely on indicator species to gather information about ecosystems. An indicator species is a plant or animal species whose presence or absence in a particular environment can indicate whether everything is fine within the ecosystem or if it requires attention.
Indicator species can signal health issues within the environment. If an indicator species begin to disappear, we know there are issues at hand that require our immediate attention.
Flagship species are those species that the public seems to find most captivating and tend to be more willing to help. Flagship species are endangered animals such as whales, pandas, tigers, and gorillas.
Organizations may use flagship species to gain the public's attention to help other endangered animals within their ecosystems.
There are many reasons our beloved friends are at risk for extinction. Climate change and deforestation are causing massive losses of habitats, changing many migration patterns, and affecting their reproduction, to name a few.
There are five major causes for the rapid decline of our endangered animals. The mnemonic HIPPO easily remembers these causes.
HIPPO stands for the 5 major causes of declining wildlife biodiversity:
Human activities and land development can cause habitat loss for our animal friends. As a result, many become endangered animals because their environment no longer can fulfill their basic needs. Animal agriculture is the number one cause of habitat loss and deforestation.
Invasive species refers to plants and animals that are transported from one region to another and released into the wild. Unfortunately, most of these animals don’t survive, yet some assimilate into their new environment and actually thrive. Often, these magnificent creatures will even out-compete native animals for their niche in the ecosystem. However, this does cause upset in the natural balance of nature.
Pollution and pesticides refer to forms of trash, air and water pollution, contamination of soil, and noise or light pollution. These factors bring harm to the ecosystems and wildlife. Unfortunately, pesticides do more than just harm intended targets, as they are toxic to animals.
Population growth the pet trade remain as enormous threats to many animals. In addition, less land remains for wildlife as we continue to claim wilderness areas for housing, agriculture, and industry. Due to our invasion, countless native animals are forced into less than suitable habitats.
Many of our pet habits are even to blame for the decline of some animal species. This includes pet reptiles, spiders, fish, birds, rodents, and exotic mammals. Keeping these creatures as pets requires them to be harvested from their natural habitats in the wild.
Over-hunting and over-collecting have significantly impacted many endagered animals. In addition, our need to hunt wreaks havoc on many ecosystems and causes the elimination of entire species.
Local and indigenous peoples are responsible for protecting 80% of the world’s biodiversity. However, they are often underrepresented or even excluded from having a vital voice at the climate-action, decision-making table. Allowing their participation the help save the animals and center their cause is a vital way to help protect Native rights and biodiversity.
Deforestation and climate change are causing devastating effects on our endangered animals. In fact, these factors could destroy roughly 25% of all natural habitats worldwide. The rapid loss of these creatures’ habitats would mean the accelerated extinction of our already vulnerable animals. If we do not take action to save the animals now, we will see the predictions of sooner than later extinctions come to reality.
Deforestation and loss of their habitat hurt the natural cycle of ecosystems, affecting all stages of animal life. This includes reproduction, mating, and migration.
Climate change and the global food demand alone could result in an alarming loss of close to 23% of all-natural habitats. According to recent findings in Nature Communications, this prediction is forecasted within the next 80 years.
Our current global food demand is fueling agricultural sectors to increase land use significantly. This movement is invading habitats of wildlife that were previously left untouched. The devastating results of deforestation result in leaving more carbon dioxide in the air and increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
Ag-related emissions measure roughly 11.6% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. alone. This shocking statistic includes carbon methane, dioxide, and nitrous oxide, contributing to and possibly accounting for the main driver of climate change.
While we know we’ve filled your brain with an extensive list of facts, we’d like to leave you with just a few more ways you can help save the animals. In fact, these may be actionable steps you can implement today in your effort to help our endangered friends survive.
Here are a few additional tips for saving animals from extinction:
First, soak up as much knowledge as you can about your area's threatened or endangered animals. Next, do a little research on how you can help save the animals in your community. Remember, every little bit helps. There is never an action too small to begin saving animals. You can create a new domino effect and protect an endangered animal by making an effort.
Open your home as a haven for wildlife. While this may sound like a huge ask, it can be as simple as setting out or building a small birdhouse, cleaning bird baths to reduce the spread of infection, setting out sugar water for bees, reducing your water usage, or keeping your pets inside at night.
Speaking of pets, get into the habit of restraining your dog. Unfortunately, dogs have led to the extinction of 11 species. As a result, your best fur friend may be a potential threat to other animals already facing endangerment.
Consider adding a fence or wireless fencing options, keep your pal on a leash when walking, and be mindful on trails. You could help save the animals that are being threatened or already on the endangered species list.
Do your part and recycle. We know trash has a massive impact on biodiversity, particularly our oceans. It only takes a moment to recycle, but it can leave a significant impact on our endangered species. So, recycle and encourage others to recycle and help in our fight to save the animals.
If you’re new to SpiritHoods, you should know that animals mean everything to us. Everything we do is inspired by our animal friends and in their best interest.
We may be known for designing luxuriously soft and stylish products, but our passion is to save animals and join the fight to help endangered animals. This means, for all of us that work at or with SpiritHoods, every day is save the endangered animals day!
We strive to learn new things about our wildlife friends, be it fund facts or new ways to protect them. We are dedicated to making a pawsitive impact (see what we did there?) by soaking up all we can about these magnificent creatures.
We’re always searching for new ways we can help save endangered animals. Whether improving our current efforts or joining forces with new partners, we want to continue our animal-saving efforts above all else.
We prrrride ourselves on working closely with our manufacturers to develop luxurious, high-quality faux fur while minimizing our carbon footprint. We believe there’s more to stylish hoods and home goods than prowling the night draped in sleek warmth. We believe in creating products that stand for meaningful change and giving back as a way to help save aniamls in the process.
We are proud to donate 10% of our net profits to our amazing nonprofit partners every year. We believe in their work and strive to help them fight the good fight in saving animals from extinction.
We partner with creative minds who share our quest for saving animals, such as the snow leopards and polar bears. We can highlight its beauty through our creations, such as the sleek Snow Leopard Classic Faux Fur Robe, without sacrificing the magnificent creature for its fur and warmth. Our collabs with creatives like Lora Zombie allow us to share our appreciation of the beautiful polar bear while bringing awareness to the pressing issues of polar bear endangerment.
We invite you to take a look at our incredible partners and their efforts to help save animals. We are proud to join them in their efforts to spread the word about endangered animals and how we can address the issue of animal extinction.
Below is a list of the partners we encourage you to visit. We fully support their commitment to the cause and praise their efforts in saving animals in need of help. They fight effortlessly to rally help and awareness for all endangered animals, from the gorgeous snow leopard to the magnificent polar bear.
Our incredible partners include:
As you strut your stuff in your new SpiritHoods faux fur, feel good about your choice and know you're contributing to saving animals. Get your purrrfect SpiritHood now.