How to Groom Your Pets in the Winter

February 26, 2021 3 min read

two freshly groomed dogs lying on each other on faux fur throw

Photo courtesy @kirbybk (Instagram)

Chilly temperatures and thicker coats pose special challenges when it comes to grooming your pet.

Grooming in Cold Weather

person grooming dog while dog is lying downPets with long hair are especially prone to health problems caused by cold dry air and matted fur, as Ulysses Rosenzweig, DVM, of Argos Animal Hospital in Boiceville, N.Y., in Catskill State Park, knows all too well. “It’s important to keep pets well-groomed all year-round,” he emphasizes. Otherwise, coats will become matted, resulting in skin infections and other issues that require veterinary intervention. A good grooming regimen can prevent serious health issues.

That said, cold weather presents special challenges to proper pet grooming. “Grooming in winter is even more important than at any other time of year,” contends Jodi Judson of All Groomed Up, a pet grooming service based in Saugerties, N.Y. “The snow and overall wetness wreak havoc on animals’ skin,” says Judson. “If the coat becomes matted, the skin stays moist underneath, creating a breeding ground for bacterial infection—but you’d never know it under all that hair.”

Until, that is, the situation gets so painful for the pet that he doesn’t tolerate being touched. That’s when it’s time to see a veterinarian. Vets and groomers agree that pet owners should perform basic grooming duties at least two or three times weekly to prevent the need for drastic shave-downs, antibiotics, and medicated shampoos.

Healthy Tip!

Vets and groomers agree that pet owners should perform basic grooming duties at least two or three times weekly.

Cat and Dog Dry Skin Remedies

Indoor pets of all stripes develop seasonal dry skin from winter’s hyper-heated interiors; combined with the mats that plague long-haired animals, this is a formula for wintertime woes.

person brushing cats hairKeep feline skin moisturized from within with supplemental fish oil formulated for pets, and brush your cat’s coat daily. After brushing, rub a spoonful of coconut oil between your palms and massage with your hands; this will encourage a glossy coat and remove any loose hair your brush missed, so it can’t start forming new mats. If you have a long-coated cat or a dog with a thick, double coat, an expert groomer is just as important as your vet: use good, old-fashioned word of mouth to find the best ones.

Wintertime terrain cramps long-haired pets’ style. Dry branches, briars, and burrs all conspire to create chaos, catching on the coats of long-haired animals, especially their tails. If not de-tangled, pets soon sprout tight mats, like small nests, sometimes accented with ice balls. Those mats are not only uncomfortable for your pet, they also prevent you from noticing potential trouble areas on your pet’s skin, such as a rash or lump.

If a burr is the source of a knot, use your fingertips and the end of a metal comb to gently remove fur from the burr-knot until it’s loosened enough to be removed without causing a yelp. Run your hands along your pet’s coat after your cat or dog spends time outdoors, and use a wide-tooth metal comb to detangle any clumps you find. Pay special attention to the area around the collar, where friction promotes matted fur and chafed skin.

Brushing Winter Coats of Dogs and Cats

Once the big knots are out, it’s time for a brushing. For pets with thick, double coats, an undercoat rake is the best way to remove dead hair, stimulate the skin, and encourage healthy regrowth.

Use a slicker brush (with fine, short wires) to distribute your pet’s own oils across the coat. If your pet needs extra conditioning—on the elbows or tail, for instance—apply a dab of coconut oil where skin or hair feels dry, and brush it in.

Use neem oil to moisturize paw-pads; this will prevent cracking from dry, indoor heat or exposure to the icy ground outside. (Don’t use coconut oil for this application, as your pet will just lick it right off.) And examine your pet’s toenails: too-long nails make it difficult for pets to gain footing on icy ground.

Keep Calm and Groom On

When gearing up for at-home grooming, take care to assume a comfortable position that doesn’t put knots in your back and neck. If your pet protests or seems anxious, encourage compliance by offering treats and/or a mild, calming sedative (such as a valerian capsule formulated for pets, cloaked in peanut butter). A spoonful of coconut oil makes a tasty bribe—plus, ingesting this emollient, antibacterial superfood helps skin and hair gleam with radiance—especially important for maintaining short-coated pets’ insulation against the cold.

Written by Julia Szabo for Better Nutrition and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

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