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Attention California, Florida, and Hawaii.
I'm gonna need you to cover your ears while I report a fact. A cold hard fact. And I just don't think you're ready to hear it right now.
Okay. Here it goes.
The rest of the country's average temperature is 30 degrees!
You uncovered your ears California, didn't you?! You always like to do whatever you want, don't you? I was trying to spare you the truth, cuz we all know you prefer a made up story over the truth.
And the truth is that IT IS COLD!
Well...except for California, Florida, and Hawaii. They're not that cold. In fact, they're kinda mild right now.
What they do have in common with the rest of the country is that they like to be cute. Am I right??? Can I get a whoop whoop?!
And we all know how cute you like to be. That's why us folks at SpiritHoods got you covered. Don't worry Florida, you can still show a little sumthin' sumthin'. When I say "covered" I mean in the "we got your back" kinda way.
Like how cute would Michigan be in the Lil' Cheetah classic faux fur coat? Or Alaska in the Mackenzie River Wolf hooded faux fur coat??? Or wouldn't you just die over New York wearing a Neon Disco Kitty classic ultra soft faux fur onesie?
Come on LA! Play along and pretend you're as cold as everyone else! You know you're gonna flex and wear the Arabian Leopard classic faux fur wrap coat to the Farmer's Market this Sunday.